Science activity #50113,
updated 29 April 2022
Aquatic Invasive Species [AIS] Program
Description / purpose
The overarching AIS goal is that "Risks of aquatic invasive species invasions are substantially reduced, and their economic, ecological, and human health impacts are minimized.†This goal is addressed through a series of performance and workload measures.
The AIS Program provides funding for Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinators for each Region within the Service and their respective aquatic nuisance species activities. These coordinators work closely with the public and private sector to develop and implement invasive species projects.
One of the primary initiatives of the program is the prevention of invasive species via boats through the "100th Meridian Initiative" (overseen by individual AIS regional coordinators). This initiative aims to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species by boats personal watercraft and other pathways. Through boat inspections and boaters assessments along the 100th meridian, partners can learn how to prevent the spread of zebra mussels and other AIS via transport of boats and personal watercraft.
Linked science activities
None specifiedCollaborators
None specifiedActivity status
- 1 Awarded / Initiating (0)
- 2 In progress / Ongoing (0 - 0)
- 3 Complete
Funding summary
Total allocated funding: $0
Delta regions
Geographic tags
None specified
Products and outputs
Type | Title | Description | Views |
USGS Online AIS Sighting Report Tool (NAS Database) | A web-form allows users to submit biologic, geogra | 0 |
USFWS Aquatic Invasive Species website | The AIS Program provides funding for Aquatic Invas | 1 |
The Fisheries Strategic Plan | The Fisheries Strategic Plan was developed with he | 0 |
Type and context
Science action area
Management themes
Science themes
None specified
Science functions
None specified
Management actions
Habitat protection / enhancement / restoration
Invasive species control and management
Pathways of introduction of invasives
Science Topics
Intertidal / transition zones
Above-highwater refugia
Main channels
Submerged aquatic vegetation
Floating aquatic vegetation
Seasonally flooded
Open water
Managed ponds
Riparian wildlife
Striped bass
Water hyacinth
Brazilian waterweed
Giant reed
Yellow star thistle
Saltwater / freshwater marshes
Amphibians and reptiles
Invasive / non native species
Lead implementing organization
Partner implementing organizations
Funding organizations
None specified
Funding programs
None specified
Funding sources
None specified