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Science activities

About the Tracker

The Delta Science Tracker is a tool to improve coordination and collaboration of science activities in a way that is valuable to scientists, decision-makers, and managers in the Delta. The Delta Science Tracker allows users to explore and visualize recent research and monitoring efforts through the lenses of science activities, organizations, and people. It is intended to promote communication, create opportunities for collaboration, and enhance transparency for science funding opportunities and decisions.

The goal of this project is that the shared development and use of the Science Tracker will facilitate progress on the Delta Science Plan’s vision of ‘One Delta, One Science’ – an open Delta science community that works collaboratively to build a shared body of scientific knowledge with the capacity to adapt and inform future water and environmental decisions.


Activities visualizations

Science activities

Visualize the number of science activities taking place in a variety of categories.
Funding visualizations


See the distribution of funding to science activities, according to different sources, times, and topics.
Collaboration visualizations


See the networks of people and organizations working together on different science challenges.