
Organization #49602

California Department of Fish and Wildlife [CDFW]


Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) The mission of the Department of Fish and Wildlife is to manage California's diverse fish, wildlife, and plant resources, and the habitats upon which they depend, for their ecological values and for their use and enjoyment by the public.

Science activities led

#49812 Hydrodynamic Influences on the Food Webs of Restoring Tidal Wetlands →
#49821 Juvenile salmon distribution, abundance, and growth in restored and relict Delta marsh habitats →
#49893 Fish Diet and Condition →
#49901 Directed Field Collections →
#49942 Marine Invasive Species Program [MISP] →
#49954 20-mm Survey [Delta Smelt distribution monitoring] →
#50087 California Recreational Fisheries Survey [CRFS] →
#50090 Fall Midwater Trawl Survey [FMWT] →
#50093 Lower Sacramento River Green Sturgeon Telemetry Monitoring →
#50099 California Natural Diversity Database [CNDDB] →
#50100 Drought Stressor Monitoring →
#50103 Middle Sacramento River Salmon and Steelhead Rotary Screw Trap Monitoring →
#50110 Nutria Eradication Program →
#50114 Central Valley Angler Survey →
#50118 Aquatic Invasive Species Program [CDFW] →
#50135 Bioassessment Program →
#50137 Central Valley Chinook Adult Escapement Monitoring Project →
#50138 San Francisco Bay Study →
#50143 Anadromous Fish Distribution →
#50148 Spring Kodiak Trawl Survey →
#50149 Striped Bass Study →
#50151 Summer Townet Survey →
#50152 EMP Zooplankton Study →
#50161 Recreational Freshwater Fishing Licenses →
#50162 Hunting Licenses [waterfowl] →
#50170 Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program [VegCAMP] →
#50174 Invasive Species Program →
#50193 Fish Restoration Program Monitoring →

Science activities contributed to

#49781 Directed Outflow Project →
#49782 Monitoring and Assessment of Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates Action →
#49783 Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates Action Pilot Study →
#49785 Delta Historical Ecology →
#49786 Delta Landscapes Project →
#49797 Investigation of the resilience of the salt marsh harvest mouse and best management practices in response to climate change →
#49799 Effect of temperature and salinity on physiological performance and growth of longfin smelt: Developing a captive culture for a threatened species in the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta →
#49807 Defining habitat quality for young-of-year longfin smelt: Historical otolith-based reconstructions of growth and salinity history in relation to geography, climate, and outflow →
#49873 Risk of fish predation within and across tidal wetland complexes →
#49878 Estuarine fish community responses to climate, flow, and habitat →
#49925 Pacific Flyway Shorebird Survey →
#49937 California Partners In Flight [CalPIF] →
#50074 Aquatic Invasive Species Programs →
#50077 Grasslands Bypass Project Monitoring →
#50084 Freeport Regional Water Project →
#50094 California Fish Passage Assessment Database [PAD] →
#50112 Bioaccumulation Monitoring Program →
#50116 Mokelumne River Rotary Screw Trap Monitoring →
#50135 Bioassessment Program →
#50137 Central Valley Chinook Adult Escapement Monitoring Project →
#50138 San Francisco Bay Study →
#50141 Fisheries Branch Anadromous Assessment →
#50142 Anadromous Fish Abundance and Trends →
#50143 Anadromous Fish Distribution →
#50145 Stream Pollution Trends Monitoring Program [SPOT] →
#50146 Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) →
#50147 Smelt Larva Survey →
#50148 Spring Kodiak Trawl Survey →
#50149 Striped Bass Study →
#50151 Summer Townet Survey →
#50153 Delta Juvenile Fish Monitoring Program [DJFMP] →
#50160 Feather River Hatchery/ Oroville Facility Fishery Studies →
#50164 Yolo Bypass Fish Monitoring →
#50207 Mid-Winter Waterfowl Survey [MWS] →
#50208 Central Valley Joint Venture [CVJV] →
#50210 SAIL [Coordinated Enhanced Acoustic Telemetry Program] →
#50214 Sacramento River Basin Salmonid Monitoring with Pacific States →
#50215 Directed Outflow Project [DOP] - Paired Habitat Sampling →
#52306 Fish out of breath: Assessing, developing, and validating physiological bioindicators of hypoxia across the Delta →
#53136 Non-Invasive Environmental DNA Monitoring to Support Tidal Wetland Restoration →
#53156 Open-Source Resources for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Telemetry Research Community →
#53716 In search of refuge: Investigating the thermal life history of Delta Smelt through in-situ oxygen isotope ratio analysis of otoliths. →
#54256 Remote sensing of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to enhance mapping for invasive and native aquatic plant species →

Last Updated

April 29, 2022