Science activity

Science activity #50145, updated 29 April 2022

Stream Pollution Trends Monitoring Program [SPOT]

Description / purpose

The SPoT project is primarily funded by SWAMP. SPoT monitors trends in sediment toxicity and sediment contaminant concentrations in selected large rivers throughout California and relates contaminant concentrations and toxicity to watershed land uses. It is designed to improve our understanding of watersheds and water quality by monitoring changes in both over time, evaluating impacts of development, and assessing the effectiveness of regulatory programs and conservation efforts at the watershed scale.

Linked science activities

None specified


None specified

Activity status

  • 1 Awarded / Initiating (1957)
  • 2 In progress / Ongoing (1957 - 2019)
  • 3 Complete

Funding summary

Total allocated funding: $0


Delta regions

Geographic tags

Products and outputs

Type Title Description Views
Link Stream Pollution Trends Monitoring Program Quality Assurance Project Plan This QAPP document defines procedures and criteria 0
Link Stream Pollution Trends Monitoring Program (SPOT) Webpage Weblink for monitoring activity 0
Link Introduction to Toxicity Test Methodology and Applications In simplest terms, toxicity tests are used to dete 1
Data California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN) CEDEN is the State Water Board's data system for s 1