Science activity #50193,
updated 29 April 2022
Fish Restoration Program Monitoring
Description / purpose
The Fish Restoration Program (FRP), an inter-agency agreement between the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), will restore at least 8,000 acres of tidal wetlands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta) and Suisun Marsh pursuant to requirements in federal Biological Opinions and the California Incidental Take Permit for operation of the State Water Project and Central Valley Project. The rationale for restoration is that state or federally listed fish species, Delta Smelt Hypomesus transpacificus, spring-run and winter-run Central Valley Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, and Longfin Smelt Spirinchus thaleichthys will benefit from increased availability of habitat and food web resources. The CDFW FRP Monitoring Team is responsible for monitoring the biological effectiveness of individual FRP tidal wetland restoration projects. Fish catch, invertebrate catch, and water quality data have been collected as baseline monitoring data and to determine the most efficient methods for monitoring wetland restoration efforts.
Linked science activities
None specifiedCollaborators
Stacy Sherman, Primary contact, Principal investigator -
California Department of Fish and Wildlife [CDFW]
Activity status
- 1 Awarded / Initiating (1956)
- 2 In progress / Ongoing (1956 - 2019)
- 3 Complete
Funding summary
Total allocated funding: $0
Delta regions
Geographic tags
Products and outputs
Type | Title | Description | Views |
Fish Restoration Program Tidal Wetland Monitoring | Webpage for the Fish Restoration Program Tidal Wet | 20 |
Fish catch, invertebrate catch, and water quality data from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta collected by the Fish Restoration Monitoring Program, 2015-2017. | Data from the project on EDI | 6 |
Sherman, S., R. Hartman, and D. Contreras, editors. 2017. Effects of Tidal Wetland Restoration on Fish: A Suite of Conceptual Models. IEP Technical Report 91. Department of Water Resources, Sacramento, California. | Conceptual models for tidal wetland monitoring | 0 |
Type and context
Science action area
Management themes
Science themes
None specified
Science functions
None specified
Management actions
Science Topics
Nitrogen / ammonia
Chlorophyll A / B
Other zooplankton
Water temperature
Dissolved oxygen
Submerged aquatic vegetation
Chinook Salmon
Steelhead Trout
Green sturgeon
White Sturgeon
Delta Smelt
Longfin Smelt
Sacramento Splittail
Lead implementing organization
Partner implementing organizations
Funding organizations
None specified
Funding programs
None specified
Funding sources
None specified