Science activity #50093,
updated 29 April 2022
Lower Sacramento River Green Sturgeon Telemetry Monitoring
Description / purpose
To better understand emigration, California Department of Fish and Wildlife is undertaking a collaborative effort with University of California Davis Biotelemetry Laboratory to capture and acoustically tag 100 green sturgeons and 100 white sturgeons per year for three years. CDFW staff conducted sampling by deploying and tending 33-m variable mesh gill nets anchored with 18-kg pyramid weights. Juvenile sturgeon are surgically implanted with Vemco® V9 69 kHz acoustic transmitters and released near the point of capture. An array of Vemco® acoustic receivers deployed throughout the SFBDE collect detection data for acoustically tagged juvenile sturgeons. To date, (January 2018) CDFW and UCD staff tagged 16 juvenile green sturgeon and 11 juvenile white sturgeon over 159 days of sampling effort.
Linked science activities
None specifiedCollaborators
None specifiedActivity status
- 1 Awarded / Initiating (1998)
- 2 In progress / Ongoing (1998 - 2018)
- 3 Complete
Funding summary
Total allocated funding: $0
Delta regions
Geographic tags
None specified
Products and outputs
Type | Title | Description | Views |
Cal Fish Lower Sacramento River Green Sturgeon Telemetry Monitoring Page | Website describing monitoring program | 5 |
Type and context
Science action area
Management themes
Science themes
None specified
Science functions
None specified
Management actions
Science Topics
Lead implementing organization
Partner implementing organizations
Funding organizations
None specified
Funding programs
None specified
Funding sources
None specified