Science activity

Science activity #49798, updated 17 November 2022

Effects of copper exposure on the olfactory response of Delta smelt [Hypomesus transpacificus]: Investigating linkages between morphological and behavioral anti-predator response

Description / purpose

This study aimed to address the question of how water-borne copper can affect the ability of delta smelt to detect predator related odorants and conduct essential behaviors. To do this, the project included a thorough morphological and cytological study of the delta smelt olfactory organ, which had previously not been well-studied. The researchers also characterized the olfactory mediated antipredatory response to alarm cues and assessed the effects of copper exposure on the anti-predator behavior and morphology of the olfactory rosette of delta smelt.

Linked science activities

None specified

Activity status

  • 1 Awarded / Initiating (2018)
  • 2 In progress / Ongoing (2018 - 2020)
  • 3 Complete

Funding summary

Total allocated funding: $129,712

Label Value
Contract # or labor code 5298
Implementing organization University of California - Davis [UC Davis]
Funding organization Delta Stewardship Council
Funding Source Delta Stewardship Council - General Fund
Date of award 2018-02-01
Date of fiscal year-end Not provided
Total award amount $129,712
State type of obligation Not provided
Federal type of obligation Not provided
Reimbursability Not provided
Procurement mechanism Contracted competitive or direct award


Delta regions

Geographic tags

None specified

Products and outputs

Type Title Description Views
News Delta Science Fellow 2018: Effects of copper exposure on the olfactory response of Delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus): Investigating linkages between morphological and behavioral anti-predator response Project fact sheet 8
File Effects of copper exposure on the olfactory organ of delta smelts: From tissues to behavior. Presentation at the 2019 State of the San Francisc 0
File The histopathological effects of copper exposure on the olfactory organ of delta smelts: Linking pathology with behavior in an endangered fish. Presentation at the 2019 ACVP Meeting, Brookings S 0
Link Triana Garcia, P. A. (2021). Studies on The Olfactory Biology and Behavioral Responses to Copper Exposure of The Native Indicator Species Delta Smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus). UC Davis. Dissertation 6