
Organization #49750

University of California - Davis [UC Davis]


Founded as a primarily agricultural campus, the university has expanded over the past century to include graduate and professional programs in medicine (which includes the UC Davis Medical Center), law, veterinary medicine, education, nursing, and business management, in addition to 90 research programs offered by UC.

Science activities led

#49797 Investigation of the resilience of the salt marsh harvest mouse and best management practices in response to climate change →
#49798 Effects of copper exposure on the olfactory response of Delta smelt [Hypomesus transpacificus]: Investigating linkages between morphological and behavioral anti-predator response →
#49807 Defining habitat quality for young-of-year longfin smelt: Historical otolith-based reconstructions of growth and salinity history in relation to geography, climate, and outflow →
#49815 The Effect of Drought on Delta Smelt Vital Rates →
#49818 Quantifying Biogeochemical Processes through Transport Modeling: Pilot Application in the Cache Slough Complex →
#49819 Reconstructing juvenile salmon growth, condition and Delta habitat use in the 2014-15 drought and beyond →
#49822 Problems and Promise of Restoring Tidal Marsh to Benefit Native Fishes in the North Delta during Drought and Flood →
#49823 Application of cutting-edge tools to retrospectively evaluate habitat suitability and flow effects for Longfin Smelt →
#49824 Contaminant Effects on Two California Fish Species and the Food Web That Supports Them →
#49825 Defining the fundamental niche of Longfin Smelt [Spirinchus thaleichthys]: Physiological mechanisms of environmental tolerance. →
#49827 Impact of Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Water Flows on Migratory Behavior of Chinook Salmon Smolts in the South Delta →
#49832 Predicting the Effects of Invasive Hydrozoa [Jellyfish] on Pelagic Organisms Under Changing Salinity and Temperature Regimes →
#49834 Quantitative Indicators and Life History Implications of Environmental Stress on Sturgeon →
#49841 Are Apparent Sex Reversed Chinook Salmon a Symptom of Genotoxicity? →
#49850 Physiological Mechanisms of Environmental tolerance in Delta Smelt [Hypomesus transpacificus]: From Molecules to Adverse Outcomes →
#49851 Nutritional Quality of Zooplankton as Prey for Fish in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Dalta →
#49854 Integrating Ecosystems, Flood Control, Agriculture, and Water Supply Benefits: An Application to the Yolo Bypass →
#49858 Low-Cost Satellite Remote Sensing of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to Enhance Mapping for Invasive and Native Aquatic Vegetation →
#49867 Synchrony of Native Fish Movements: Synthesis Science Towards Adaptive Water Management in the Central Valley (FishSync) →
#49872 Consequences of Phragmites invasion for community function in Suisun Marsh →
#49873 Risk of fish predation within and across tidal wetland complexes →
#49875 Phytoplankton and cyanobacteria growth and response to stressors →
#49879 Environmental geochemistry and tidal wetland support of pelagic food webs →
#49880 The effect of temperature on predation of juvenile salmonids →
#49885 Survivial and Migratory Pattern of Central Valley Juvenile Salmonids →
#49888 Linking Trophic Ecology with Slough and Wetland Hydrodynamics, Food Web Production and Fish Abundance in Suisun Marsh →
#49905 Reconstructing Juvenile Salmon Growth, Condition, and Delta Habitat Use in 2014-15 Drought and Beyond [SAIL] →
#50154 Suisun Marsh Fish Study →
#52366 Mapping the adaptation governance network of the Delta →
#52576 Science for adaptive management of juvenile spring-run Chinook salmon in the San Joaquin River →
#53136 Non-Invasive Environmental DNA Monitoring to Support Tidal Wetland Restoration →
#53626 Evaluating contributions of hatchery-origin fish to conservation of endangered Sacramento River winter run Chinook salmon during a drought →
#53686 Managing Agricultural Soils for Carbon and Water Benefits in the California Delta: Understanding Influences on Decision-Making and Practice Adoption of in-Delta Farmers. →
#53716 In search of refuge: Investigating the thermal life history of Delta Smelt through in-situ oxygen isotope ratio analysis of otoliths. →
#54141 Coastal Wetland Restoration a Nature Based Decarbonization Multi-Benefit Climate Mitigation Solution: Policy and Governance →
#54157 Feasibility of Acoustic Telemetry in Delta Smelt →
#54256 Remote sensing of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to enhance mapping for invasive and native aquatic plant species →

Science activities contributed to

#49781 Directed Outflow Project →
#49782 Monitoring and Assessment of Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates Action →
#49783 Suisun Marsh Salinity Control Gates Action Pilot Study →
#49812 Hydrodynamic Influences on the Food Webs of Restoring Tidal Wetlands →
#49857 Assessing Sediment Nutrient Storage and Release in the Delta: Linking Benthic Nutrient Cycling to Restoration, Aquatic Vegetation, Phytoplankton Productivity, and Harmful Algal Blooms →
#49868 An Evaluation of Sublethal and Latent Pyrethroid Toxicity Across a Salinity Gradient in Two Delta Fish Species →
#49872 Consequences of Phragmites invasion for community function in Suisun Marsh →
#50093 Lower Sacramento River Green Sturgeon Telemetry Monitoring →
#50133 Sacramento River Water Quality Monitoring →
#50140 Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program [GAMA] →
#50145 Stream Pollution Trends Monitoring Program [SPOT] →
#50154 Suisun Marsh Fish Study →
#50172 California Irrigation Management Information System [CIMIS] →
#50173 Delta Region Areawide Aquatic Weed Project [DRAAWP] →
#50210 SAIL [Coordinated Enhanced Acoustic Telemetry Program] →
#50211 Food Temperature Optimization Model for CVP →
#50215 Directed Outflow Project [DOP] - Paired Habitat Sampling →
#50216 FCCL Conservation Hatchery Operation for Delta Smelt Refuge Population Maintenance and Research Support →
#53616 Monitoring Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon life history diversity, growth, and habitat use among varying hydroclimatic regimes →

Last Updated

April 29, 2022