Science activity

Science activity #50126, updated 29 April 2022

Sacramento Watershed Coordinated Monitoring Program [SWCMP]

Description / purpose

SWCMP is a coordinated monitoring effort between DWR and Central Valley RWQCB. This program monitors ambient water quality at locations in the Sacramento River starting upstream of Lake Shasta and going south to Verona, and at the lower end of all large streams tributary to the Sacramento River. It is funded jointly by DWR Northern District Water Quality Section and the Central Valley RWQCB SWAMP. The SWCMP is designed to meet the monitoring needs of the Regional Board’s Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) and the DWR Northern District’s Water Quality and Biology section. Coordination allows both agencies to maximize the use of their limited resources.

Linked science activities

None specified


None specified

Activity status

  • 1 Awarded / Initiating (1988)
  • 2 In progress / Ongoing (1988 - 2012)
  • 3 Complete

Funding summary

Total allocated funding: $0


Delta regions

Geographic tags

None specified

Products and outputs

Type Title Description Views
Link Bryte Chemical Laboratory Quality Assurance Manual (2012) Manual which outlines the QA/QC procedures taken b 0
Data DWR Water Data Library California DWR's WDL houses all of DWR's data, all 0
Link SWAMP website Main URL for the SWAMP 1
Data California Environmental Data Exchange Network (CEDEN) CEDEN is the State Water Board's data system for s 0
Link Sacramento Watershed Coordinated Monitoring Program (SWCMP) Monitoring Plan This plan documents the key aspects of the Sacrame 8

Type and context

Lead implementing organization

Partner implementing organizations

Funding organizations

None specified

Funding programs

None specified

Funding sources

None specified