
Organization #49743

U.S. Geological Survey [USGS]


The USGS provides science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods; the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on; the health of our ecosystems and environment; and the impacts of climate and land-use change. The USGS Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) provides detailed predictions of coastal flooding due to future sea-level rise, storms, and river flooding driven by climate change.

Science activities led

#49810 Operation Baseline Project 2A1: USGS Pilot Studies →
#49811 Operation Baseline Project 2A2: USGS Pilot Studies - Isotopes →
#49847 Quantifying Factors Affecting Migration Routing and Survival of Juvenile Late-Fall Chinook Salmon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta →
#49855 CASCaDE II: Computational Asessments of Scenarios of Change for the Delta Ecosystem →
#49856 Quantifying the contribution of tidal flow variations to survival of juvenile Chinook salmon →
#49857 Assessing Sediment Nutrient Storage and Release in the Delta: Linking Benthic Nutrient Cycling to Restoration, Aquatic Vegetation, Phytoplankton Productivity, and Harmful Algal Blooms →
#49874 CASCaDE: Computational Asessments of Scenarios of Change for the Delta Ecosystem →
#49900 Predation Dynamics Across Reach-Specific Gradients in Juvenile Salmon Survival →
#49941 North American Breeding Bird Survey [BBS] →
#49950 Water Quality Data for California →
#50083 San Francisco Bay Bathymetry →
#50119 Water Quality in the Nation's Stream and Rivers →
#50120 Groundwater Quality Trends Monitoring →
#50140 Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program [GAMA] →
#50176 Continuous Monitoring of Water Quality & Suspended-Sediment Transport [Bay-Delta] →
#50177 Water Quality of San Francisco Bay →
#50187 National Water Use Science Project [NWUSP] →
#50188 Berkeley Seismology Lab Geophysical Networks →
#50192 Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay →
#50198 National Strong Motion Project [NSMP] →
#50202 Streamflow Monitoring →
#53411 Continuous Flow and Water Quality Monitoring Network in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta →

Science activities contributed to

#49779 Delta Wetland Resilience and Blue Carbon →
#49787 Delta Landscapes Primary Production Project →
#49803 Reevaluating ecosystem functioning and carbon storage potential of a coastal wetland through integration of lateral and vertical carbon flux estimates →
#49805 Do light, nutrient, and salinity interactions drive the “bad Suisun” phenomenon? A physiological assessment of biological hotspots in the San Francisco Bay-Delta →
#49806 Simulating methylmercury production and transport at the sediment-water interface to improve the water quality in the Delta →
#49809 Operation Baseline Project 1: Conceptual Framework →
#49816 The effects of early hypersaline acclimation due to climate change on the toxicity of pyrethroid, an insecticide, in salmonids. →
#49861 Tidal Wetland Restoration in the Bay-Delta Region: Developing Tools to Measure Carbon Sequestration, Subsidence Reversal, and Climate Resiliance 2021 →
#49865 Evaluating Juvenile Salmonid Behavioral Responses to Hydrodynamic Conditions in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta →
#49868 An Evaluation of Sublethal and Latent Pyrethroid Toxicity Across a Salinity Gradient in Two Delta Fish Species →
#49872 Consequences of Phragmites invasion for community function in Suisun Marsh →
#49877 Wetland carbon sequestration and impacts of climate change →
#49879 Environmental geochemistry and tidal wetland support of pelagic food webs →
#49882 Using existing datasets to understand multi-scale changes in and controls on biogeochemistry in the SF Bay-Delta →
#49925 Pacific Flyway Shorebird Survey →
#49937 California Partners In Flight [CalPIF] →
#49938 Central Valley Enhanced Acoustic Tagging Project →
#50076 Contra Costa Water District Source Water Monitoring →
#50098 Water Quality Exchange [WQX] →
#50108 Groundwater Monitoring →
#50113 Aquatic Invasive Species [AIS] Program →
#50128 California Rice Commission [CA Rice] Groundwater Monitoring →
#50140 Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program [GAMA] →
#50147 Smelt Larva Survey →
#50148 Spring Kodiak Trawl Survey →
#50156 California Aquatic Resource Inventory [CARI] →
#50158 Multibeam Delta Bathymetry Surveys →
#50171 Sacramento District Water Control Data System [WCDS] →
#50174 Invasive Species Program →
#50175 Water Tracker →
#50180 Surface Water Protection Program →
#50194 Regional Geologic Mapping Program [RGMP] →
#50195 Seismic Hazards Program →
#50197 Mineral Resources Program →
#50208 Central Valley Joint Venture [CVJV] →
#50210 SAIL [Coordinated Enhanced Acoustic Telemetry Program] →
#52341 Restoring tidal marsh foodwebs: assessing restoration effects on trophic interactions and energy flows in the San Francisco Bay-Delta →
#53171 Standard Operating Procedure for Diagnosing and Addressing Predator Detections in Salmon Telemetry Data →
#53221 Impacts of predation and habitat on Central Valley Chinook smolt survival →
#53661 Source characterization and biogeochemical consequences of wastewater and agricultural C, N, and P inputs to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region. →

Last Updated

April 29, 2022