Science activity

Science activity #49826, updated 29 April 2022

Impact of Climate Variability on Surface Water Quality: Cyanobacteria and Contaminants

Description / purpose

Linked science activities

None specified


None specified

Activity status

  • 1 Awarded / Initiating (2016)
  • 2 In progress / Ongoing (0 - 0)
  • 3 Complete

Funding summary

Total allocated funding: $891,341

Label Value
Contract # or labor code P1696041
Implementing organization University of California
Funding organization California Department of Fish and Wildlife [CDFW]
Funding Source California Department of Fish and Wildlife CDFW - Prop 1
Date of award 2016
Date of fiscal year-end Not provided
Total award amount $891,341
State type of obligation Not provided
Federal type of obligation Not provided
Reimbursability Not provided
Procurement mechanism Not provided


Delta regions

Geographic tags

None specified

Products and outputs

None provided

Type and context

Science action area

Management themes

Science themes


Science functions

None specified

Management actions

None specified

Science Topics

Lead implementing organization

Partner implementing organizations

None specified

Funding organizations

Funding programs

Funding sources