Science activity

Science activity #50136, updated 29 April 2022

Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring - Red Bluff Diversion Dam

Description / purpose

The Red Bluff Fish and Wildlife Office (RBFWO) established a juvenile fish monitoring program using rotary-screw traps at the Red Bluff Diversion Dam (RBDD) in 1994. The primary objectives of this project at present are to (1) obtain juvenile winter Chinook production indices and to correlate these indices with estimated escapement from adult estimates provided by the winter Chinook carcass survey, (2) define seasonal and temporal patterns of abundance of winter, spring, fall and late-fall run Chinook salmon and steelhead trout passing RBDD and (3) obtain relative abundance information (catch per unit volume) for green sturgeon and lamprey to monitor trends in abundance.

Linked science activities

None specified


None specified

Activity status

  • 1 Awarded / Initiating (2002)
  • 2 In progress / Ongoing (2002 - 2019)
  • 3 Complete

Funding summary

Total allocated funding: $0


Delta regions

Geographic tags

None specified

Products and outputs

Type Title Description Views
Report SacPAS: Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring (see "older chinook", "fry/smolt chinook", and "st 3
Report Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring at RBDD Final Reports annual reports beginning in 1995 5
Report Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring at RBDD Biweekly Reports biweekly reports (broken into years) beginning in 1

Type and context

Lead implementing organization

Partner implementing organizations

None specified

Funding organizations

None specified

Funding programs

None specified

Funding sources

None specified