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The blue colored horizontal bars display the total number of activities by management themes. Clicking on each bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the activities under that theme.

The blue colored horizontal bars display the total number of activities by activity type. Clicking on each bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the activities type.

The blue colored horizontal bars display the total number of activities by Delta regions. Clicking on each bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the Delta region.

The blue colored horizontal bars display the total number of activities by science function. Clicking on each bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the science function.

The blue colored horizontal bars display the total number of activities by management actions. Clicking on each bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the management action.

The blue colored horizontal bars display the total number of activities by the science action agenda and needs. Clicking on each bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the science action agenda and needs.

The blue colored horizontal bars display the total number of activities by subbasin. Clicking on each bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the subbasin.

The colored vertical bars display the total annual funding amounts and the different colors on each bar corresponds to the management theme as indexed on the right side of the chart. Clicking on each colored section of a bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the theme.

The colored vertical bars display the total annual funding amounts and the different colors on each bar corresponds to the activity type as indexed on the bottom section of the chart. Clicking on each colored section of a bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the activity.

The colored vertical bars display the total annual funding amounts and the different colors on each bar corresponds to a Delta region as indexed on the right side of the chart. Clicking on each colored section of a bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the region.

The colored vertical bars display the total annual funding amounts and the different colors on each bar corresponds to a science function as indexed on the right side of the chart. Clicking on each colored section of a bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the science function.

The colored vertical bars display the total annual funding amounts and the different colors on each bar corresponds to a management action as indexed on the right side of the chart. Clicking on each colored section of a bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the management action.

The colored vertical bars display the total annual funding amounts and the different colors on each bar corresponds to a science topic as indexed on the right side of the chart. Clicking on each colored section of a bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the science topic.

The colored vertical bars display the total annual funding amounts and the different colors on each bar corresponds to a science action agenda area and need as indexed on the right side of the chart. Clicking on each colored section of a bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the science action agenda.

The colored vertical bars display the total annual funding amounts and the different colors on each bar corresponds to a subbasin area in the Sacramento Delta as indexed on the right side of the chart. Clicking on each colored section of a bar will link users to a webpage with a list of projects associated to the subbasin.

Annual science activity expenditures by Management theme long description goes here.

Annual science activity expenditures by Activity type long description goes here.

Annual science activity expenditures by Delta region long description goes here.

Annual science activity expenditures by Science function long description goes here.

Annual science activity expenditures by Management Actions long description goes here.

Annual science activity expenditures by Science Topics long description goes here.

Annual science activity expenditures by Science action agenda area and needs long description goes here.

Annual science activity expenditures by Subbasins long description goes here.

NOTE: This diagram is based on information for activities currently included in the Science Tracker and therefore may not represent all activities that exist in the Delta.


Data used to generate the above visualization can be downloaded using the "Download data" button above.

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Collaborations and connections for Delta science activities are presented as a network diagram consisting of blue circles representing individual people and blue lines representing science activities. Individuals involved in science activities in the roles of investigators and/or contributors are identified by name next to individual blue circles.

The size of each blue circle indicates the number of activities in which that individual is involved. Blue lines of varying thickness connect individual circles to represent activities in which these two people are involved. The thickness of the lines connecting circles (or people) indicates the number of activities in which these individuals have collaborated. Clicking on a circle will link to a webpage with a full profile of each person. Clicking on the lines connecting people links to a webpage with a list of projects in which both individuals have collaborated. Clusters of dots and lines indicate groups of people and activities with collaborations.

NOTE: This diagram is based on information for activities currently included in the Science Tracker and therefore may not represent all activities and connections that exist between collaborators.


Data used to generate the above visualization can be downloaded using the "Download data" button above.


Collaborations and connections for Delta science activities are presented as a network diagram consisting of blue circles representing organizations and blue lines representing science activities. Individual organizations presented here are those with people involved in science activities in the roles of investigators and/or contributors.

The size of each blue circle indicates the number of activities in which that organization is involved. Blue lines of varying thickness connect individual circles to represent activities in which these two organizations are involved. The thickness of the lines connecting circles (or organizations) indicates the number of activities in which these individuals have collaborated. Clicking on a circle will link to a webpage with a full profile of each organization. Clicking on the lines will link users to a webpage with a list of projects in which both organizations have collaborated. Clusters of dots and lines indicate groups of organizations and activities with collaborations.

NOTE: This diagram is based on information for activities currently included in the Science Tracker and therefore may not represent all activities and connections that exist between organizations.


Data used to generate the above visualization can be downloaded using the "Download data" button above.