Person #50382
Josh Collins
Organization membership
#49707 | San Francisco Estuary Institute [SFEI] → | Lead Scientist |
Josh Collins is the Lead Scientist at SFEI. He oversees the development and integration of SFEI’s scientific work. Dr. Collins is a landscape ecologist and regional ecological planner with special expertise in mapping and assessing stream and wetland ecosystems. He received his Doctorate in Entomological Sciences at the University of California at Berkeley and did post-doctoral work in Geography and Ecology at the UC Berkeley and UC Davis. As an ecologist in the public utilities industry, Dr. Collins assessed the impacts of power plants on marine, estuarine, and riverine ecosystems. As a consulting ecologist in private practice, he designed stream and wetland restoration projects and developed methods to assess their performance. Since joining SFEI, Dr. Collins has initiated continuing programs in wetland science, watershed science, historical ecology, and regional GIS. He is a leader for a variety of efforts in the West to set long range ecological goals and he has been instrumental in the development of wetland and stream monitoring and assessment methods for California and the nation. Among his many current advisory roles, Dr. Collins chairs the technical team supporting California’s new wetland and riparian area protection policy.
phone: 510-384-0740
Science activities contributed to
None specifiedLast Updated
April 29, 2022