
Organization #49756

University of California - Santa Cruz [UCSC]


The University of California, Santa Cruz (UC Santa Cruz or UCSC) is a public land-grant research university in Santa Cruz, California.

Science activities led

#49796 Habitat, hatcheries, and nonnative predators interact to affect juvenile salmon behavior and survival →
#49805 Do light, nutrient, and salinity interactions drive the “bad Suisun” phenomenon? A physiological assessment of biological hotspots in the San Francisco Bay-Delta →
#49817 A Next-generation Model of Juvenile Salmon Migration through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta →
#49863 Life History Variation in Steelhead Trout and the Implications for Water Management →
#49871 Improving Green Sturgeon Population and Migration Monitoring →
#49882 Using existing datasets to understand multi-scale changes in and controls on biogeochemistry in the SF Bay-Delta →
#52276 Functional diversity and predator dynamics along the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Delta →
#53486 Perceptions of risk and management of the Delta levee system →
#53661 Source characterization and biogeochemical consequences of wastewater and agricultural C, N, and P inputs to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta region. →
#54126 High-Frequency Monitoring of Delta Island Drainage Waters to inform carbon budgets and contaminant export →

Science activities contributed to

#49873 Risk of fish predation within and across tidal wetland complexes →
#50210 SAIL [Coordinated Enhanced Acoustic Telemetry Program] →
#53171 Standard Operating Procedure for Diagnosing and Addressing Predator Detections in Salmon Telemetry Data →

Last Updated

April 29, 2022