
Organization #49761

University of Washington [UW]


As the flagship institution of the six public universities in Washington state, it is known for its medical, engineering and scientific research as well as its extremely competitive computer science, engineering, law, architecture and business school.

Science activities led

#49803 Reevaluating ecosystem functioning and carbon storage potential of a coastal wetland through integration of lateral and vertical carbon flux estimates →
#49887 A Multi-Stock Population Dynamics Framework for the Recovery of Sacramento River Chinook Salmon →
#53171 Standard Operating Procedure for Diagnosing and Addressing Predator Detections in Salmon Telemetry Data →

Science activities contributed to

#50188 Berkeley Seismology Lab Geophysical Networks →
#50209 Sacramento Prediction and Assessment of Salmon [SacPAS] →

Last Updated

April 29, 2022