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  • Title

    Atmospheric River Reconnaissance

    Lead University of California - San Diego [UCSD]
    Description CW3E works directly with water managers in the West to develop science and tools designed to better prepare for the variability inherent in the western US climate. Atmospheric River (AR) Reconnaissance (AR Recon) campaigns support improved prediction of landfalling ARs on the U.S. west coast. ARs are a type of storm that is key to the region's precipitation, flooding, and water supply. Forecasts of landfalling ARs are critical to precipitation prediction and yet are in error by +/- 400 km at even just 3-day lead time (see figure to the right;Wick et al. 2013). The concept for AR Recon was first recommended in a report to the Western States Water Council (Ralph et al. 2014) that was prepared by a broad cross-disciplinary group in 2013. AR Recon was conducted with 3 missions in 2016, 6 in 2018, and 6 in 2019. USACE and the California Department of Water Resources were key sponsors of the AR Recon 2018 and 2019 campaigns. Aircraft that are normally used for hurricane reconnaissance were deployed over the northeast Pacific to collect observations to support improved AR forecasts. The data were assimilated by global modeling centers in real-time.
    Science topics Flood, Air temperature, Precipitation, Wind, Extreme storms, Chinook Salmon, Snowpack / snow water equivalent SWE
    Updated April 29, 2022
  • Title

    Fish out of breath: Assessing, developing, and validating physiological bioindicators of hypoxia across the Delta

    Lead University of California - San Diego [UCSD]
    Description This proposal seeks to generate two management tools to optimize ongoing conservation efforts (e.g. wetland restoration, fish supplementation) by accomplishing the following 4 objectives: Objective 1) use controlled laboratory experiments to identify temperature-dependent hypoxia tolerance data (Pcrit) for ChinookSalmon smolts and juvenile Delta Smelt. Objective 2) compile existing temperature and DO monitoring data across the SFE. Objective 3) generate metabolic indices using the newly-generated physiological data (Obj. 1) and existing environmentalinformation (Obj. 2) to examine spatial and temporal patterns in metabolic stress for each species. Objective 4) explore and develop an otolith-based bioindicator to identify past hypoxia exposure.
    Science topics Chinook Salmon, Delta Smelt, Dissolved oxygen, Temperature
    Updated May 8, 2024